
S.N. Photo Name of Employee Designation Date of Joining Contact
1 Dr Ajay Kumar Singh Scientist (Plant Protection) 2001-01-15 (+91) 7905314071
2 Dr. Rajesh Rai Scientist (Agriculture Extension) 2004-11-29 (+91) 6393148476
3 Dr. Arun Kumar Singh Scientist (Horticulture) 2004-11-29 (+91) 9452284350
4 Dr. Khalil Khan Scientist (Soil Science) 2004-11-29 (+91) 9140387580
5 Dr. Shashikant Scientist (Animal Husbandry) 2004-11-29 (+91) 8765435351
6 Dr. Nimisha Awasthi Programme Assistant (Home Science) 2004-05-15 (+91) 8090833502
7 Mr. Upendra Kumar Singh Programme Assistant (Computer)/T4 2008-03-15 (+91) 9453884628
8 Mr. Sharad Kumar Singh Stenographer-cum-Computer Operator 2004-11-30 (+91) 8299829232
9 Mr. Badalu Jeep Driver 1991-05-11 (+91) 9628923542
10 Mr. jamuna Prasad Tractor Driver 2008-09-11 (+91) 9936972711
11 Mr. Sri Bhagwan Pal Attendant 2008-05-19 (+91) 9794145243
12 DR. Mithilesh Verma SMS (Home Science) 1992-11-05 (+91) 705413396